Icaunais Vincent Rousselle competes for France

Vincent Rousselle is “motivated but a little stressed“. The Icaunais represents France at the Sports Logging Nations Cup organized this Sunday, September 11 in Switzerland. “I hope it will go well because there is level. Several of my competitors have been practicing this sport for years. Me, it’s only been a year”.

Vincent Rousselle is not a lumberjack, but a swimming pool technician. He discovered this discipline somewhat by chance. “I met my trainer Alexandre Meurisse on September 4, 2021. He was giving a demonstration at a wood fair and I was hooked right away”.

Vincent Rouselle finished in third place in the French sports logging championship on July 6, 2021. © Radio France
Vincent Rousselle

As in all sports, no secret you have to train. At first, Vincent Rousselle went once a week to Troyes (Aube) where his trainer lives. But that required organization for this resident of La Belliole (Yonne). “It was complicated with work and you have to be motivated since it takes two hours to travel there and back“. So the sportsman decided to set up a training stand in his garden and a small gym at his home. “For example, I try to knock on wood on Monday, give myself a day off on Tuesday, do strength training on Wednesday and so on..

A team competition

Vincent Rousselle competes in the under 25 category (rookies). He will participate in four individual events: standing block chop (vertical ax), underhand chop (horizontal ax), single buck (passe-partout saw), stock saw (series chainsaw). He will also have to rely on his French teammates because all of their points will be added together. The French team is made up of two rookies and two seniors.

Last year, theFrance finished in third place on the podiumbehind Poland and Germany. “I’m stressed because I don’t want to disappoint my teammates. And personally, I’ll be happy. I really hope to return to France with a medal.”.f

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