IBM suspends its advertising on the X platform

(San Francisco) The American IT giant IBM announced Thursday that it would suspend its advertisements on X after a report showing them close to pro-Nazi publications on the platform.

Advertisements for major technology companies (Apple, Oracle and IBM) appeared near publications favorable to Hitler and the Nazis, according to a report published Thursday by the NGO Media Matters, which fights against disinformation.

“IBM has zero tolerance for hate speech and discrimination, and we have immediately suspended all of our advertising on X while this completely unacceptable situation is investigated,” the company told AFP.

A manager of And the posts themselves will be marked “sensitive content,” he added.

Since Elon Musk bought Twitter at the end of October 2022 before changing its name, the platform has relaxed its rules on disinformation, reduced its content moderation teams and allowed the return of many controversial personalities.

Several associations have noted an increase in misinformation and harassment.

An analysis by the international platform against disinformation NewsGuard indicates that “certified” users on

At the same time, Elon Musk provoked controversy on Wednesday by supporting a publication on disinformation and homophobic and racist insults on the social network since the rules changed.

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