Landlords “get rid of their tenants to make as much money as possible” during the Olympics, denounces the communist senator.
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“We have thousands of owners who are getting rid of their tenants to make as much money as possible during the Olympics period through tourist rentals”, alert Tuesday February 13 on franceinfo Ian Brossat communist senator. The former housing deputy in Paris tabled a bill on Monday to request an Olympic truce on rental evictions.
“More and more owners are taking takeover leave at the moment or in the coming months, which in reality aims to get rid of their tenants” to put “their accommodation on Airbnb or tourist rental platforms during the Olympics period”, and in this way, collect absolutely staggering sums of money. Which means that tenants will find themselves at the door”he explains.
The phenomenon is significant in the capital. Resumption leave increased by 23% in 2024 compared to last year, according to the Departmental Housing Information Agency.
“We are actually talking about tenants who will find themselves on the doorstep to be replaced by tourists who will pay 500 or sometimes 1,000 euros per night.”
Ian Brossat communist senatorat franceinfo
“We find ourselves with tenants on the street who cannot find a housing solution in their city”, he explains. These leaves are often fraudulent, because the owner must respect certain rules. Leave can be given if the owner wants to recover their accommodation to make it their home or that of a member of their family.
330,000 people are without housing in France, according to the Abbé Pierre Foundation. This is twice as much as ten years ago. Ian Brossat wishes “make 2024 a blank year in terms of rental evictions” For “restore confidence to tenants”. The former housing deputy in Paris suggests extending the winter break so as not to amplify the phenomenon.
Ian Brossat also announced the launch, by his colleague Barbara Gomes, deputy mayor of Paris in charge of tenant protection, of the establishment of a system for making appointments with lawyers to deal with leave. fraudulent in the run-up to the Olympic Games in Paris. The tenant will thus be able to get help “in his steps to avoid being subject to fraudulent leave”.