“I would have voted for it”, assures Sandrine Rousseau, MP for the Ecologists



Video length: 12 min

Proposal for dismissal of Emmanuel Macron: “I would have voted for it”, assures Sandrine Rousseau, MP for the Ecologists
The Assembly’s Law Committee rejected Emmanuel Macron’s dismissal proposal. “The debate would have deserved to exist,” assumes Sandrine Rousseau.

The Assembly’s Law Committee rejected Emmanuel Macron’s dismissal proposal. “The debate would have deserved to exist,” assumes Sandrine Rousseau.

During a vote on Tuesday, October 2, the Law Committee of the National Assembly opposed the proposal for the dismissal of Emmanuel Macron, tabled by La France Insoumise. The party’s deputies criticize the President of the Republic for not having respected the result of the legislative elections. “I would have voted for the dismissal of the President of the Republic. This deserved a debate in view of the confiscation of the result of the legislative vote. Several right-wing personalities have also denounced this. Not only the new Popular Front. has happened is abnormal in the Fifth Republic I think that the debate would have deserved to exist. I hope that Emmanuel Macron will hear us a little”, explains Sandrine Rousseau, member of the Ecologists-NFP of Paris.

“We are in a democratic crisis of unequaled magnitude in the history of the Fifth Republic. This crisis is largely due to this president who estimates, all alone in his office and in our palace, what is best for the French and what is good for France”adds MP EELV.

Watch the full interview in the video above

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