“I would have liked to stay in touch with Karine Le Marchand but…”

Audience: Have you looked at the portraits of the new candidates for “Love is in the meadow”? What did you think of it?

Alexander Tola : This year, there are really beautiful personalities. The candidates are all as endearing as each other. I wish them the best and that they find their happiness.

Audience: Julien, gay candidate for this new edition, moved many viewers with his story. And you, did he charm you?

AT: Yes ! His story touched me a lot too, everyone deserves to find something that suits them. I really hope that this year, more than half will find their half. They all deserve a great story.

Audience: Have you kept in touch with Karine Le Marchand since the end of your adventure?

AT: Since my separation from Mathieu, I haven’t kept in touch with Karine… Despite the fact that we were close to her. Mathieu, on the other hand, kept in touch with her. Honestly, I would have liked to stay in touch with her, but that’s life… It’s showbiz.

See also: “No matter what, he’s crazy!” : Karine Le Marchand no longer knows where to go after this sexual allusion

Audience: And what about your relationship with Mathieu. You two seem to have drifted apart a bit…

AT: Since the separation, the state of our relationship has deteriorated slightly… Each brings his life, as he hears it now. We do not have the same projects, nor the same objectives. But there are no wars between us. We each take some news from each other.

Audience: What can we wish you for 2023?

AT: On July 31, I met someone, without knowing where it was going to lead me. Today, we’ve been dating for almost seven months. A relationship that is as simple as it is complex, because this person plans to go to Canada in May. It is a relationship between the confidant, the best friend, the brother, the lover. But in our heads, it’s a story that will end in May. So I don’t close myself to anything. Because we never told ourselves that we were “in a relationship”, nor the opposite either. Today, it is a relationship on which we could not put a word to qualify it.

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