“I would be surprised if Europe speaks with one voice on this issue”, says Professor Patrick Martin-Genier

A meeting between several European ministers took place in Calais (Pas-de-Calais) on Sunday November 28 to discuss the measures to be taken in the face of the current migration crisis. “It would surprise me if Europe spoke with one voice on this issue. We have seen that in recent years, no one agreed. We did not agree on the policy reception, we did not agree on the right to asylum and above all we did not agree on the quotas for the reception of migrants. So it will be extremely difficult for the 27 countries of the Union European speak with one voice “, estimates Patrick Martin-Genier, professor at Sciences Po Paris and specialist in European issues, on the set of 23 hours of Franceinfo.

According to Patrick Martin-Genier, the objective of the meeting between several European ministers “was on the one hand to show his anger towards the United Kingdom so we had to mark the occasion by finally forbidding the British Home Secretary to come. But also, to try to show solidarity and to request additional human, financial and material resources from Frontex to better effectively protect its borders “, he explains.

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