“I would be a bit stupid not to feel threatened”

After a short morning session on the ice, Anthony Mortas, coach of the Gothics of Amiens answered questions from France Bleu Picardie. The Picards have just lost (5-2) in Cergy-Pontoise and are in 9th place in the Magnus Hockey League. In 12 matches, they lost 9 times. What weaken the position of the technician.

France Bleu Picardie: How are the heads after this new defeat?

Anthony Mortas: It’s hard. We put ourselves in the shoes of the players, they work a lot, we get a lot of chances and in the end, we lose. The players felt they were pretty decent yesterday. Unfortunately the score does not really reflect the game. But that, we can say in every game. What is needed is to win. So we have to find the right words for tomorrow (Tuesday), without putting enormous pressure on the attack because since the start of the season we have been talking about the attack which is not prolific. And I think it got into the heads of the players and there is a blockage.


Is it above all mental?

I think because we have quality in the workforce. The players have proven it in the past in other clubs or here in Amiens. It’s strange, it’s even very complicated to find words to explain it. but you have to turn it around quickly. If I had all the answers it would be too simple. We work hard, the nights are very short, it’s a difficult phase, for the players but also for the coaches, so that’s what we tell the players, it’s that we’re all in the same boat. It’s not you, it’s not him. We are a group, united and we work hard in training so one day it will turn around.

As long as I’m in my place, I’ll work like crazy to help the team

Do you feel threatened?

I would be a bit of an idiot if I didn’t feel threatened. I am completely lucid about what is happening at the moment. I have no qualms about it, the results are me, it’s the coach. It’s me who makes the choices, who leads the team. Yes I feel threatened but that’s not why I’m going to give up, I will always continue to work and then the day the club makes the decision I will respect it. But as long as I’m in my place, I’ll work like crazy to help the team.

Have you been given a short-term course?


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