“I won’t let go of him”

Cyril Hanouna versus Dailythe war has started again. After several months of armistice, the host of Do not touch My TV and Yann Barthès’ teams are once again at loggerheads. The reason ? The decision of the Council of State which calls for more rigor on CNEWS has been the subject of much discussion for several days. If all the faces of the Canal group are outraged and cry out for censorship, from Christine Kelly to Laurence Ferrari via Pascal Praud and Cyril Hanouna, the competitors are rejoicing. This is the case of Julien Bellverthe media columnist of Daily, who has been taunting the Canal teams for several days, playing their crestfallen expressions and their rants on the air on a loop. Guest of Sud Radio, the journalist gave a new layer, revealing to Valérie Expert that Dailywill never receive any far-right personality.

Words which, inevitably, annoyed Cyril Hanouna. And for good reason: on the one hand, the host can only defend the interests of CNEWS since the channel belongs to Vincent Bolloré; the other,
Do not touch My TV
is the exact opposite of the values ​​advocated by Julien Bellver, since the guests are almost all far-right. So, inevitably, hostilities resumed… In TPMP this Thursday, February 15, 2024, Cyril Hanouna once again appeared threatening towards Julien Bellver and even proudly boasted of the harassment he intended to subject him to: “I’ve never seen a guy talk about it so much. He, in my class, I don’t let him go. I get him drunk all day. Have you seen how he talks about it?”

Threats that he has already made many times

Gilles Verdez immediately supported his employer’s comments, affirming that Julien Bellver was a man “arrogant”. But on “It’s harassment! When at the moment, that’s all there is in our schools!” one of them was offended. However, this is not the first time that Cyril Hanouna has virulently attacked Julien Bellver. At the beginning of February, he openly threatened his rival, and proposed fighting by force: “Julien, if you have something to tell me, don’t hesitate, you call me and we’ll see each other (…) I’m sure that if I’m in front of him, he shits himself ( …) There were five guys. Without bragging, the five against me, I beat them”. Comments that he also made in October 2023, arguing that Julien Bellver
“(played) smart”and hoping for him “(that he had taken up) karate”.

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