“I won’t even tell him the time in the street”

Juliette Briens, Bahia-Carla, Valérie Bénaïm and Géraldine Maillet are beside themselves… In Facing Hanouna this Saturday February 17, 2024, the new peopolitical talk hosted by Cyril Hanouna every weekend surrounded by emblematic faces of Do not touch My TV and some new faces like the rapper Rost and the political figures Florian Philippot, Julien Odoul and Laurence Sailliet, the columnists present protested at the sexist remarks made by Pierre-Jean Chalençon a few days earlier. Indeed, guest of Jordan de Luxe on C8, the collector of Napoleon, revealed by the show Deal done

fired many stray bullets, attacking Julia Vignali, then Caroline Margeridon, and finally, all female television faces, whom he described as… “puddings”!

Words, which, inevitably, caused a boom, and which angered Juliette Briens. The right-wing activist, recruited by Cyril Hanouna, shot down anyone who votes like her Éric Zemmour: He’s a coward. If he didn’t come, it’s because he knows he said something stupid, and the least he could do was come and apologize to the brilliant and magnificent women who work in TV, and who do not want to be physically judged by a guy they wouldn’t even tell the time on the street. A diatribe validated by political influencer Bahia-Carla Stendhal, who estimated that Pierre-Jean Chalençon was in constant search of buzz: “He’s looking for the little phrase, I find it quite disturbing. He’s not a playboy eitherhe better calm down and apologize.”

The Camembert that tells Brie it stinks

While Juliette Briens was keen to point out that he criticized women’s physiques even though he himself was homosexual, Géraldine Maillet drove the point home by attacking the man over-indebted by the Palais Vivienne that he acquired a few years ago: “It’s a slightly grotesque and ridiculous outing, as usual. In fact, Chalençon becomes a caricature of himself. Who is he actually? He’s a great specialist in objects, which he talks about his work, but not the physique of women”. And to add, more scathing than ever: “Frankly, it’s the Camembert that says to the Brie: You stink!”Valérie Bénaïm, to conclude, regretted that Pierre-Jean Chalençon was so bitter towards the personalities ofDeal done since production fired him in 2020: “Since he left Deal concluded, we have the feeling that he is bitter and that he wants to exist. He clashed with Julia Vignali, he clashed with Caroline Margeridon. Exist by yourself, exist by who you are!

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