“I woke up, he was gone”: Louane cash on his quarrels with the father of his daughter, Florian Rossi

In a relationship since 2018 with Florian Rossi, Louane (real name Anne Peichert) became the mother of a little girl named Esmée in March 2020. Even if the couple seem to be swimming in happiness since the beginning of their love story, the two lovebirds sometimes experience nasty fights, as the young woman testified at the microphone of the show It feels good (Europe 1) against Anne Roumanoff on Tuesday May 18, 2021.

Aware of her faults, the singer confided that she sometimes had a bad temper and was very jealous of her darling. “I’m not the easiest to live with, that’s obvious. Then I’m very nice. But, because of my lack of control over my emotions, that I work, it’s true that my boyfriend has the strength to be with me!“, she explained. Like many women, Louane also tends to get upset and go out of her way if her man does not give her any news, spends too long evenings without her or becomes unreachable on her phone. cellphone. “If he runs out of battery and comes home later than expected, it can create a mess“, she confessed.

But if these disputes are often hard to live with on the spot, Louane has nevertheless been able to make the most of them: to make them real sources of inspiration for his songs and his new albums. The one who stood out in 2013 in tele-hook The Voice and who received the César for best female hope in 2015 for her role in the film The Aries Family thus entrusted to have written the title Your skin from the album Joy of Living just after a fight with his darling: “When I wrote it, it was really an apology song for my guy. We had a fight and I really lived this day that I tell in the song, where I woke up and where he had gone. He wasn’t happy and he pissed me off all day.

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