“I wish there were more people affected by disability in government”

Maxime is 28 years old. Six years ago, he was diagnosed with bipolar when he was a student. From that day on, Maxime decided to devote all his energy to helping young adults affected by a mental disorder. In France, this concerns one in five people. Through his association La Maison perchée, Maxime directly challenges politicians. What he would like is for mental health to be a major subject of the presidential campaign. “Mental health must be made the number 1 cause in France.

Maxime says he realized that it was difficult to advance his cause without the policies. “I try to campaign as much as possible with politicians to try to find solutions and move the lines “.

Maxime has already met President Emmanuel Macron, some ministers or the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, to offer them nearly ten measures. “Make psychic education courses in middle school compulsory in the same way as sex education, train nurses in middle and high schools in mental health. We also need to renovate hospitals. Me who was in the hospital, frankly it’s a shame. I wish there were more people affected by disability in government. “For Maxime, improving the care of people with mental disorders could be a solution for”revive the country“.

“My dream would be to be able to live in a world in which you don’t have to hide your difference. And me, it turns out that it’s my illness.”

Activating with politicians, Maxime had not really considered that in his life. “I was a student in China and I find myself campaigning for policies for mental health … Like what, it is possible to bounce back in life.

Maxime claims to have no political label. “I already have a label, it’s that I’m bipolar, so that’s enough for me!“Without giving more details on his political sensitivity, Maxime believes that”the presidential election of 2022, it is only the wind. We will see who will be elected. I just hope someone will wake up because it’s too much of a mess. There, I’m fine, but five years ago, I was tied up, in a straitjacket, spending 12 days in bed. Maybe if the politicians had mobilized I wouldn’t have gone through all this. “

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