“I will publish elements and testimonies that Jean-Jacques Candelier communicated to me”, defends Fabien Roussel


France 2

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Fabien Roussel, Communist Party candidate for the presidential election, was the guest of “4 Truths” on France 2, Thursday, February 24.

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on Thursday February 24 the launch of a military operation in Ukraine. Explosions were heard in several cities across the country. “This is an extremely serious decision by the Russian President. He made the choice of war, he made the choice to violate the most basic rules of international law, first by recognizing these two territories of Ukraine“, lambasted Fabien Roussel, candidate for Communist Party in the presidential election, present on the set of “4V”.

Also questioned about the accusations of fictitious employment of which he is the subject, Fabien Roussel reacted to the survey published by Radio France which indicates that several trade unionists have absolutely no recollection of his presence with the deputy John Jacques Candlestick, contrary to what the communist candidate claimed. “Terribly affected by false accusations“, he stated : “For the sake of transparency, to provide explanations, I am going to publish this morning on my campaign website (…) elements and testimonies that Jean-Jacques Candelier was kind enough to communicate to me, that he found at home. I want to be able to show the French people (…) the work you can do when you are a parliamentary assistant and available to a deputy seven days a week.”

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