I will not vote for the CAQ

The author addresses the head of the CAQ and Prime Minister, François Legault

Posted yesterday at 11:00 a.m.

Marc Couturier

Marc Couturier

Mr. Legault, I appreciate your government, but I will not vote for the CAQ in the next election and I want to tell you why.

Mainly because of this “strongest” arrogance that has driven you and several of your ministers for halfway through the pandemic. You have taken the bad habit of not listening, but of dictating your will by referring more or less honestly to one of your favorite phrases: “This is what the population wants. »

I must tell you that many of your statements do not correspond to my opinion or to that of many Quebeckers.

It was the recent CAQ convention that cemented my decision. You have strategically avoided all topics that could cause controversy among your members, those topics that are of particular interest to the population that you say you listen to so attentively, such as the environment, health, education, in favor of the French language and “pride”, a nationalist subject if there ever was one, these themes which have become your hobbyhorse.

If we follow the subjects of your convention, our grandchildren run the risk of being proud nationalists who have obtained little from Ottawa and of speaking French in a province seriously deteriorated by climate change. They will be able to proudly discuss in French the rising waters, the drought, the forest fires and their inability to seek treatment, even in their own language.

It is to be hoped that the mandate you will obtain in October will be less solid than expected. A little humility and open-mindedness would do you good and, consequently, would do us good, the people of Quebec. We whom you call your master during the congress. Mr. Legault, listen to your master rather than your desire for power.

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