“I will not participate in the next season because…”

While the mystery still hangs over the broadcast of season 4, the producers of “LOL, who laughs, comes out!” are still looking for participants. We already know that Blanche Gardin will not be part of the game presented by Philippe Lacheau and broadcast on Prime Video. Fabrice Eboué also confirmed that his fans will not see him in the program and gave the reason during an interview with the Latest News from Alsace.

“I was offered to participate in LOL, I said: never in life. I would not have felt comfortable in this show. It’s not my type of humor and I don’t run after the money, I make a very good living”he explained before specifying: “I consider myself an artist. There are people who are in entertainment, it’s a choice, and there are those who represent the one man show as an artistic entity. I consider my work of an artist is to make the best show possible, that’s what I want to deliver to people”.

See also: “It blocks the programming of the next LOL, who laughs, comes out”, Cauet and Cecile de Menibus confirm that season 4 is in danger!

Arnaud Tsamère announces, with irony, that he will not be in “LOL, who laughs, comes out!”

Fabrice Eboué is therefore not leading the same “fight” as Blanche Gardin. But that does not prevent him from feeling out of place in “LOL, who laughs, comes out!”, in the event that he participated. This Monday, May 1, another comedian took the floor and announced bad news to his community. In a letter published on his Instagram account, Arnaud Tsamère has indeed revealed that he will not be in season 4 either.

But unlike Fabrice Eboué and Blanche Gardin, the reason is quite different. “Why, me neither, will I not participate in this program? Their arguments have made a lot of talk. We can agree or not with them but the important thing in my opinion is to have the freedom to say it”he writes at first before continuing: “The freedom to assert one’s position in the face of large industrial groups. This is why it seems important to me to speak up too and to clarify things. My arguments will be more or less well received, but too bad”.

The 48-year-old comedian concludes: “I prefer to assume everything that happens in my career. Under no circumstances will I participate in the next season of LOL, who laughs comes out broadcast on Prime Video because I was not invited. That’s it. Quite simply. Kisses”. A letter filled with irony, which allows us to learn, despite everything, that season 4 will be done without him.


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