“I will not miss Instagram”: Alessandra Sublet temporarily leaves social networks!

A page that turns

Take care of yourself“, “Sleep well“, “Right Alessandra, really living with the others we love is the most important” could we read in the comments. Benevolent messages from her fans, who had already learned in the spring that the native of Lyon was leaving the TV animation for good. “No argument could make me change my mind” she confided in an interview with Parisianbefore bidding farewell to television a few weeks later, on June 3, on the show The great contest of animators.

If the host then made a mistake for her last, she was above all putting an end to a long and respectable career, punctuated by great experiences such as her time at LCI as a presenter of Morningor even his animation at the head of several entertainment shows like Mask Singer, Truth or Darewithout forgetting France has incredible talent and Love is in the field.

No more television or social networks, therefore, for the pretty brunette, who now wishes to take full advantage of her family. She currently lives in the south of France with her two children Charlie and Alphonse, born of her previous relationship with film producer Clément Miserez.

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