“I will lead the battle of the Europeans”, assures Stéphane Séjourné, president of the Renaissance presidential party

“We have set a timetable to officially designate a head of the list in January,” assured Stéphane Séjourné on Sunday.


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Stéphane Séjourné, leader of the Renaissance presidential party, was the guest of Political Questions on Sunday, November 26, on France Inter and franceinfo channel 27. (FRANCEINFO / FRANCE INTER)

“Obviously I will lead the battle of the Europeans”, assured Sunday, November 26 on France Inter and franceinfo the leader of the Renaissance presidential party, Stéphane Séjourné. More than six months before the European elections, which will take place next June, the majority has still not designated a head of the list, but he is widely expected to lead this list, he who already chairs the Renew group in the European Parliament.

“We have set a timetable to officially designate a head of the list in January”he explained, without declaring that he himself would be the head of the majority list. “I want to build a coalition of pro-European parties during this period. I have discussions with the UDI, with the Radicals, with François Bayrou, with Édouard Philippe”he also argued.

“I am leading discussions on Europeans at the moment with our partnershe continued. The campaign will start around January or February.”. “We will have an organization and a pro-European coalition to put forward, which will be larger than the simple presidential majority, I hope”added Stéphane Séjourné.

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