“I will do more collegiality”, promises the candidate Louis Aliot

If I were president of the National Rally (RN), I would do more collegiality, I would do more balance in the party“, promised the mayor of Perpignan, Louis Aliot, Tuesday September 6 on franceinfo. In this internal election, he is opposed to Jordan Bardella, acting president of the party since September 2021. The ballot will open on September 30, and its results will be proclaimed on November 5, during the 18th congress of the RN.

We don’t have the same background, we don’t have the same experience, that’s what will come into play and it’s the members who will decide“, believes the elected RN. If Jordan Bardella is 27 years old, Louis Aliot, 53, denies being “ancient“.”I am the age of Marine [Le Pen]we are not ancestors, after all!“, he launches. The local elected representative assures however that he is “not here to make war on Jordan Bardella“. Besides, he shares with him the same objective. “We push so that Marine [Le Pen] be a candidate in 2027″he assures.

Before the convention, there is another important date for the National Gathering. October 5 will mark the 50th anniversary of its ancestor, the National Front (FN). “We’re not going to party, but I think we’re going to mark the occasion with a symposium to really explain what the National Rally is“, says Louis Aliot.

No question, however, of inviting the founder of the FN, Jean-Marie Le Pen. “Today, he doesn’t think like us, he criticizes us, he says that practically everything Marine Le Pen has done is wrong.“, regretted the local elected official. With this celebration at a minimum, and the refusal to invite Jean-Marie Le Pen, does the RN deny its past? Not at all, according to Louis Alliot. For him, the legacy of Marine Le Pen’s father is “not ashamed“.

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