“I was slapping myself in the face”: Robert Pattinson reveals a special memory on the set of Harry Potter

This is the event that all Robert Pattinson fans have been waiting for for a long time. On Wednesday March 2, the new Batman film is released in theaters. Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine and the whole team of C to you had the honor of receiving the actor and his partner Zoë Kravitz on the set of the France 5 show on Tuesday February 22, 2022.

If they obviously mentioned the filming of the saga and the pressure that weighed on the shoulders of the British, another subject was discussed: the role of Cédric Diggory that Robert Pattinson held in the episode Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Mohamed Bouhafsi evoked a particular anecdote concerning the shooting for Robert Pattinson: a small problem of make-up due to the stress and anxiety that the 35-year-old actor felt at the time: “You were paralyzed, so much that you had artificial wounds on your face and it was melting because you were stressed“.

This anecdote, Robert Pattinson did not contradict it. It must be said that it was his very first feature film. And having to prove himself in such a production was enough to give cold sweats to the young actor that he was: “I couldn’t get myself in shape, I didn’t realize how much…“Unconfident and under pressure, Robert Pattinson was going to hide in the bathroom to get his head together, and not in the sweetest of ways:”I slapped myself on the face!“, he indicated. Except that made up, all the efforts of the teams were reduced to nothing because of the blows he gave himself.

Of course, all the makeup started to run, so I had to call the makeup artist back to put makeup back on me every time. It was a little stressful“, confessed Robert Pattinson. Since then, the actor has made his mark in international cinema. It’s not for nothing that he landed the role of the superhero Batman in the next installment of the franchise. he had to wear a mask. It’s hard to imagine what it would have been like this time…

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