“I was scared”: Isabelle Mergault almost got “beaten up” in a business

More fear than harm, but we came close to disaster! On Twitter, Isabelle Mergault recounted her latest misadventure, which occurred in a business. After an altercation with another client, the director of I find you very beautiful nearly got hit.

On her account, Tuesday February 8, Isabelle Mergault therefore revealed to her subscribers how her desire to eat Chinese for dinner cost her a great fright. “I almost got my face broken. Lots of people to buy food from the Chinese. I wait, I wait. Ok. The guy in front of me: ‘Hmmm what am I going to have?’ He thinks. He had been in front of the dishes for 20 minutes!! And he thinks!! Damn you had 20 minutes to think dumb. I said to him: ‘Uh, are you thinking now?’ He said to me: ‘Do you have a problem?’ I tell him: ‘Yes. Everything is in front of you, it’s not complicated spring rolls, chicken, fish etc. You’ve had everything in front of you for 20’ and you’re pissing us off (…) And we hang around“, writes the mother of Maya.

A little too impatient for the taste of the client, Isabelle Mergault then escaped a physical attack. “And there, he takes me by the collar and he says to me: ‘You have a problem bitch?’ I answer ‘mrffmfrr’ (he was choking me). The boss wants to intervene and there… 3 Chinese arrive from the kitchens. The guy left me. In my opinion right now, he ordered a margarita. Voila. I have a little sore throat“, she added. Obviously upset, the regular resident of the Big heads from RTL responded to a few comments from subscribers, readily admitting to being scared. “Everything is fine. I was scared, that’s all (…) I had no courage! Thank you to the employees who came out!“, added the 63-year-old actress.

Some fans, and listeners of Big heads, did not fail to point out to him that this is not the first time that she has taken the lead with someone in a business. Indeed, on RTL, she had already mentioned her impatience in a bakery in Neuilly-sur-Seine. But fortunately the outcome had been different!

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