“I was interested in his life and it upset me”: Amir becomes an actor, a poignant first role!

He is often on stage. But it’s another type of board that Amir Haddad is about to tread. The singer, who represented France at Eurovision in 2016, is actually preparing to take his first steps as an actor. He will play Alfred Nakache, the Auschwitz swimmer, in Selecteddirected by Steve Suissa from April 26, 2022 at the Édouard-VII theater in Paris – tickets will be on sale from March 8.

I asked him if he thought I could

It’s a strange coincidence when you know that Amir Haddad shot the video for his famous hit I sought – 6th place at Eurovision – … at the Alfred Nakache swimming pool, in the Belleville district. “I became interested in his life and it overwhelmed me to find that his incredible destiny was forgotten.he explains to the newspaper Le Parisien. I found it even more tragic… And then I continued on my way and, one day, Steve Suissa called me, he had thought of me to play Alfred Nakache. I asked him if he thought I could do it, he said yes and that with hard work, we would get there.”

Amir Haddad, validated by the family of Alfred Nakache

Amir Haddad prepared by going swimming with an Olympic champion. He also rehearsed a lot in front of his family, his wife Lital and his 3-year-old son, Mikhaël. The budding actor has already had his baptism of fire, moreover, by performing the play for the first time, during a festival organized by the director Steve Suissa, in Tel Aviv. He even received the blessing of Alfred Nakache’s family members. “It was important to give them the manuscript, they brought some very useful small precisionssays Amir. But beyond that, what really touched me was that they thought I could embody it. I come from afar, I had a lot of doubts and seeing those who knew him come to see me afterwards and cry in my arms, thanking me because they felt like they had seen him, it was overwhelming …“There is no doubt that the public will be there.

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