“I was afraid that I would be found ill”: Laurent Baffie changed physically, justifies his approach

Laurent Baffie was the guest of Cyril Hanouna in Do not touch My TV, this Wednesday, November 3. Came to present his book The repartee guide (Kero), the 63-year-old comedian made the columnists laugh a lot, who shared the very funny sentences of his book. Recently, he also surprised the general public by showing himself with the transformed face. On Twitter, he explained without language that he had resorted to cosmetic surgery.

An experience on which he poured out in TPMP. “You were at Laurent Ruquier’s on Saturday evening and everyone told you that you were beautiful “, launched Cyril Hanouna. “No, they told me they didn’t recognize me”, retorted Laurent Baffie. “Yes, we recognize you, it’s okay”, reassured the troublemaker of the PAF, who continued by reading the tweet of the comedian. “You directly assumed, you even laughed about it on Twitter, without any taboos. ‘I had implants and bags under my eyes 2 years ago and people are finding out now. For anus whitening , I’ll keep you informed.'”

People, it made them talk. It’s very weird because I saw hundreds of artists doing implants and I didn’t feel a great emotion …, said Laurent Baffie, who seems to understand little of the questions of his audience. “I don’t know if people like me, care about me and they say ‘ahlala you’ve changed’ …”

“It’s very successful for the pockets. It’s incredible!”, congratulated Cyril Hanouna, facing a before / after. “It’s okay, we’re just making an incision and removing a pocket of fat. But that, me, I was very afraid of the scalpel. But I had a friend who said to me: ‘I’m afraid someone will tell you that you are tired, that you look sick’, explained Laurent Baffie, to justify his approach. Then the latter to see himself cut off by a call from his son, Benjamin Baffie (26) who follows in his father’s footsteps and wrote a play, entitled A room for two.

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