“I was afraid of being spotted and I was cold”


Article written by

Thibault Lefevre and Alexandre Abergel – franceinfo

French Radio

The Ukrainians continue to flee the Kremlin troops who pursue their slow, destructive and visibly inexorable advance in the Donbass. Our special envoys collected the testimony of Dmitri who swam from Mariupol to escape the Russian terror.

Flee Russian firepower at all costs. It was March 16, around 7 p.m., on the beach of Pechanka, less than ten kilometers south of Mariupol in Ukraine.

>> War in Ukraine: follow the evolution of the situation live

Night falls that day and Dmitri puts on a wetsuit. He attaches plastic bottles to his body to better float and he throws himself into the water. “I swam about 800 meters and was exhausted.says Dmitry. I was afraid of being spotted and I was cold. I was chattering my teeth. If the Russians ever saw me, then I became a target and they were going to shoot me. I came out of the water Melekine, four kilometers away. A grandmother and a grandpa took me in, they offered me a borscht and a glass of alcohol. They are the ones who then helped me to organize my departure by mini-bus.”

“When I arrived here in Lviv, I realized that it was worth taking this risk. I just wanted to run away from the war.”

Dmitri, Ukrainian

at franceinfo

A few hours earlier, the Mariupol theater was bombed. Hundreds of civilians die. Dmitri, who lived next door, helped evacuate injured people. A scene of horror that motivated his sudden departure. “It was panic, a moment of chaossays the Ukrainian. There were screams, cries for help, tears. I decided without thinking, on autopilot. I carried victims, I looked to the right, to the left to try to find survivors. There was flesh, blood and a lot of dead. That’s when I decided to leave.”

Dmitri is now a refugee in Lviv, in western Ukraine. He imagines returning as soon as he can to Mariupol. “But this timehe said with a nervous laugh, it will not be by swimming, but rather by boat”.

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