“I was afraid it was the end”, testifies the deputy LREM Romain Grau after his attack

The parliamentarian filed a complaint on Sunday after being assaulted in front of his office during a demonstration against the vaccination pass on Saturday.

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“I will not move my permanence”, launched on Monday January 24 on France Bleu Roussillon, the LREM deputy Romain Grau, two days after his attack in front of his office in Perpignan, on the sidelines of a demonstration against the health pass. The parliamentarian filed a complaint on Sunday.

“I will not lower the flag to these thugs.”

Romain Grau, LREM MP

at franceinfo

Even if “I was afraid for myself and for my collaborators, admits the chosen one. I was afraid it was the end.”

>> Aggression of elected officials by anti-passes: “If you don’t agree, kick us out with a ballot, not with aggression”, proclaims an LREM deputy

“These demonstrators broke down the door of my office to get me out, they wanted to dislodge me. I had no choice but to get out”, relates the MP. There have been “hallucinating provocations of violence”, he added. “It strengthened my determination and if I backed down it would be proving these people right, because they are thugs”, hammered the elected representative of the Pyrénées-Orientales.

This is the second time in recent years that the Catalan MP has been targeted in his office. Its premises had already been damaged during a demonstration of “yellow vests” in July 2019.

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