“I wanted it to be Valérie Pécresse”

Every day, Manon Mella gives voice to young people aged 18-30. Wednesday, December 15, meeting with Domitille, 19, Vendée and activist among the Young Republicans.

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Direction La Roche-sur-Yon to find Domitille who waits in front of the station while revising his exams. At the age of 19, she obtained a dual license at the Catholic Institute of Vendée. It was there that she developed her political identity, positioned on the right. Not long ago, she felt that she was still too young to get involved politically, but a few weeks ago she joined the young movement Les Républicains, in particular to support Valérie Pécresse in Congress.

Apparently, I am in the soft underbelly of the right and that suits me quite well given the public debate which is extremely polarized.

For Domitille, which “What sets Valérie Pécresse apart is that she does not build her program in relation to that of Eric Zemmour. “” She is not obsessed with immigration but speaks of other subjects such as public debt or education.“The young student and activist defines herself as”a Macron-compatible LR“.”This has earned me a lot of criticism and remarks. This means having a minimum of nuances and not being radicalized on one side or the other of the political spectrum.. “

Domitille chose to take his card from the Republicans in order to participate in the LR congress on December 4. “I wanted to be able to vote for a candidate who really suits me in 2022 and I wanted it to be Valérie Pécresse. If it had been Eric Ciotti I don’t know who I would have voted for. I told myself that we had to take action.

The activist explains that “what motivates her to vote for one candidate or another is not the representativeness argument“.”I do not want to choose a candidate who looks like me but rather who has good public policy to redress France“.”The old policy is also an asset“, launches Domitille.”If we elect someone because everyone likes them, has charisma and is funny but has no experience, then we vote in the election of delegates but not in the presidential election.

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