“I want to stay and try to participate,” says Novak Djokovic, who trained in Melbourne

While Novak Djokovic still waiting to know whether or not he will be able to participate in the Australian Open, which begins Sunday in Melbourne, the Serbian spoke, Monday, January 10, on social networks.

“I’m happy and grateful that the judge overturned my visa cancellation. Despite everything that has happened, I want to stay and try to compete in the Australian Open. I remain focused on this goal. came here to play one of the most important events we have ever had, in front of amazing fans “, wrote on Twitter the world number 1, accompanying his text with a photo of him and his staff at the Rod Laver Arena. This photo thus attests that the Serb was able to train in the wake of his release.

These are his first words since his arrival in Melbourne, Wednesday January 5, and the political imbroglio around his visa, still awaiting validation with the Australian government. Other members of his clan have also expressed their relief, after justice decided on Monday to release Djokovic after five days held in a detention center.

“Thank God, God exists … It’s the biggest victory of his career, bigger than all his Grand Slams”, Novak Djokovic’s mother said at a press conference. “We just thank all of the people who gathered outside the hotel each day … for all the support, for the love and peace they sent him. This is one of the main reasons why we are sitting here today [à Belgrade] and why he won the case “, Novak’s brother Djordje Djokovic told reporters in Belgrade.

Srdjan Djokovic, the father of the world number 1, also spoke, and did not spare the Australian authorities, on the contrary. “He wouldn’t allow anyone to bring him to his knees… He’s a mental giant, a fantastic young man who never hurt anyone, he always had a good relationship with everyone and always tried to help. , he started. But obviously the fact that he comes from a small, poor country is not appreciated by some powerful people… They don’t like that someone from a small country can be the best at their bourgeois sport. “

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