This Franco-Palestinian jurist and activist points out the “very cynical” role played, according to her, by “the regime of Benjamin Netanyahu”.
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“I want to have the right to be able to criticize a political doctrine which has a colonial dimension”, defends herself Tuesday March 19 on France Inter Rima Hassan, candidate from the LFI list in the European elections, after her controversial comments on Israel. This Franco-Palestinian lawyer and activist is at the heart of a controversy due to an interview given to the media The pencil during which she declares that he is “TRUE” that Hamas is taking legitimate action. Rima Hassan has since defended herself, denouncing a truncated extract. And she provides other details about France Inter.
Rima Hassan supports as well as her “the comments were extremely clear”. She recalls having “qualified very early on as terrorist attacks” the massacres of October 7, the “condemning”. She explains that Hamas “is a religious movement which is structured around a political branch and an armed branch, assuming to resort, well before October 7, to a terrorist mode of operation”. But the lawyer also believes that “if you condemn Hamas, you must also condemn those who fed the monster”. Rima Hassan points out the role “very cynical” played, according to her, by “the regime of Benjamin Netanyahu”. “He knowingly wanted to feed Hamas to thwart the political perspective which was carried by the diplomatic voice of the Palestinian Authority”she denounces.
Rima Hassan pleads for “total cohabitation”
The activist also returns to the controversial slogan “From the River to the Sea”, used by supporters of Palestine. She assures that this “slogan is part of a demand for equal rights” and no “not anti-Israeli logic”. The Franco-Palestinian activist even confides “do not like [se] define as anti-Zionist”. Rima Hassan reviews “the colonial dimension” which, according to her, is located “in Zionism”. “Israel is sick of its colonialism”she emphasizes.
Rima Hassan judge “unbelievable to be attacked for a political demand which consists of saying [qu’elle veut] total cohabitation” between Palestinians and Israelis. She claims that her “ideal is not to have a demographic logic of separation between Israelis and Palestinians” neither “to have borders between Israelis and Palestinians”. The activist instead pleads for a “total cohabitation”, “the end of an apartheid regime”.