“I want Michel Barnier to succeed because otherwise all French people will pay”, believes Gérald Darmanin


Video duration: 10 min

Budget 2025: “I want Michel Barnier to succeed because otherwise all French people will pay”, believes Gérald Darmanin
Gérald Darmanin, former Minister of Public Accounts between 2017 and 2020 and Minister of the Interior between 2020 and 2024, returned in particular to the 2025 budget proposal from Michel Barnier’s government.
(France 2)

Gérald Darmanin, former Minister of Public Accounts between 2017 and 2020 and Minister of the Interior between 2020 and 2024, returned in particular to the 2025 budget proposal from Michel Barnier’s government.

The 2025 budget proposal was made more than a week ago. Gérald Darmanin remained open to this proposal while explaining that the debates could move forward constructively: “The Prime Minister proposed a budget and now Parliament will debate it for three months. He himself said that it was a budget proposal and that he remained open to proposals. I have proposals to make to Michel Barnier I want him to succeed because otherwise all French people, working classes and middle classes included, will pay for it.”he explained.

However, the former Minister of Public Accounts was keen to point out that taxes – particularly on income – were too high in the 2025 finance bill: “There are far too many taxes and in particular taxes which affect work, which affect businesses, which affect workers. For seven years, the action of the President of the Republic has enabled a reduction in unemployment because we created growth by lowering taxes and trusting businesses. The choices this budget brings us must absolutely not lead to more unemployment..

Watch the full interview in the video above

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