“I took a little expensive”: Coumba (Koh-Lanta) victim of an accident, she shows her injuries …

Coumba will have managed to spend days and days on a desert island without having enough to eat and by multiplying the sporting events in Koh Lanta, but it is finally in France that she managed to injure herself ! Indeed, this Saturday, November 20, 2021, the emblematic candidate of the TF1 survival program confided to have done a good bad fall on bike during a stroll of great intensity.

I have just returned from my bike ride and I admit that the last 25 kilometers, it was very difficult because I fell and I had to get back. And suddenly, I took a little expensive at the hip and then the elbow but it’s ok, more fear than harm“, she explained in story Instagram before revealing in pictures his major injuries, one in the stomach, another in the arm and yet another in the tibia (see our slideshow). “Hope I haven’t broken anything. I’m gonna wait cold, see what happens“, she continued. And to put into perspective:”Every year, I fall at least once.“There is no doubt that Coumba will get back on his feet very quickly to resume his sports activities.

A Koh-Lanta season under high tension

Recall that the 38-year-old adventurer was this year in the casting of the All Stars edition of Koh Lanta, still broadcasting. After a few weeks of competition, Coumba ended up being eliminated, not under criticism. Indeed, the candidate was strongly attacked all season and singled out for behavior deemed “aggressive”. The young woman even found herself threatened with death by some Internet users and then announced her decision to file a complaint.

You may not agree with my choices, my behavior etc. But from there to insulting me daily … In short, I will not let go from this day! My dear ones, a public insult is repressed by the law of 1881 (article 33), which punishes it with a fine of 12,000 euros. The cyber police even find the creators of fake accounts. (…) Go to court“, she assured.

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