“I thought it was over”: Didier Bourdon and the difficult beginnings with his discreet wife Marie-Sandra

The 2020s are definitely a time of nostalgia for French television. The small screen has decided to make way not for new programs but for the great return of cult shows. This is how fans of the group Les Inconnus formed by Pascal Légitimus, Bernard Campan and Didier Bourdon will find their idols on TF1 in prime time this Monday, November 14. A long-awaited reunion that required a lot of work. If the three stars had already mentioned a possible comeback in the spotlight, the nature of this return had never been mentioned.

The years have passed and nothing has changed between the three companions. Despite a separation of paths and a distance for their respective careers, Didier Bourdon has never lost sight of Pascal Légitimus and Bernard Campan. Just as he never lost the most important woman of his life: Marie-Sandra. If he no longer had his most faithful accomplices by his side every day to write sketches and continue his career in the cinema, Didier Bourdon was able to count on the presence, the support and the love of his companion. However, the course was strewn with pitfalls and was far from won.

Ordinarily a model, it is on the set of the filming of the film Seven years of marriage, of which Didier Bourdon shared the poster with Catherine Frot in 2002, that the paths of the lovebirds crossed for the first time. However, no love at first sight or immediate excitement. It took some time for the couple to take their first steps as lovers.

It took a while

As Didier Bourdon and Marie-Sandra told Paris Match in 2009, the rapprochement took place gradually: “It didn’t happen right away, it took a while“The actor added:”We saw each other, then we didn’t see each other anymore, I thought it was over, I kept repeating to myself: “It doesn’t matter, you’ll find others.” And then my father died and, some time after his disappearance, an inner voice told me to go find Marie. It’s very strange. As if my father had given me strength.“Didier Bourdon ended up taking his courage in both hands and went to the lucky girl, officially launching the start of their beautiful romance.

Lovers still coo twenty years after they met. Marie-Sandra and Didier Bourdon are no longer alone. In 2006, they became the parents of a little girl named Clélia before Natacha showed up in 2010. The two teenagers aged 16 and 12 are no longer babies, much to the regret of their dad. Didier Bourdon is also in no hurry for time to pass even more: “With my daughters it’s great, but when they come with their friends… I would like less (laughs)” It is certain, Didier Bourdon and the famous friends will not play again The 3 brothers.

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