In an interview with “Le Parisien” on Monday, the woman who accuses the two French XV players of rape maintained her desire to fight for her case.
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Almost three months after her attack, the complainant who accuses Oscar Jegou and Hugo Auradou of rape spoke out to the press. In an interview with Parisian published Monday September 23, The 39-year-old woman, who wants to be identified as “Maria”, insisted on reaffirming her version of events and said she would continue to fight to be heard. “I want them to be convicted. They raped me, abused me and treated me like a piece of meat.”she asserts in particular.
The complainant confides that she will “wrong” and that “[sa] life ended on July 7, 2024″ : “I am demoralized, anxious. I suffer from panic attacks, I have nightmares every night, I wake up crying and screaming. I can’t sleep anymore.” She claims that her children are “his only engine”, “the only reason why [elle est] still alive”. They are also the reason why she doesn’t want to “not reveal his identity” : “I don’t feel ready for my children to know the truth yet.”
The complainant also announces her intention to “present before the Commission on Constitutional Rights and Guarantees of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Mendoza”. “I want this commission to analyse the way in which justice has worked”she assures, affirming not to do “trust in the public prosecutor’s office of Mendoza” and pointing the “political interests in the case”. “I feel helpless” because “I can’t fight against the financial means of these players”.