“I stopped fighting”: “Hysterical”, Sara Mortensen denounces a big mistake in Astrid and Raphaëlle

Sara Mortensen forms a shock duo with Lola Dewaere. The two actresses are back in season 3 ofAstrid and Raphaelle and the least we can say is that viewers were waiting for them impatiently. Just look at the impressive audiences that the series has achieved over the past two weeks on France 2. It’s simple, Sara Mortensen and Lola Dewaere are ultra powerful and crush everything in their path! They were 4.85 million viewers in front of their small screen on August 26 (for the launch) and 5.36 million viewers this week. And what does it matter if the fiction to success of France 2 contains sacred errors, which do not suit Sara Mortensen.

In an interview with TV 2 Weeks, the one who embodies the character of Astrid Nielsen, documentalist by profession, reveals that she has long fought to put an end to certain incoherent, “arranged” elements for fiction. One of these inconsistencies particularly scandalizes her.

At the question “Are there any other “fictionally arranged” elements?“, Sara Mortensen replies: “Yes a lot. Including one that makes me hysterical, but I stopped fighting : we do not put a piece of evidence with DNA in a plastic bag, but in kraft so that the DNA is not damaged. And you don’t arrive at a crime scene without a mask, jumpsuit or slippers.“Perhaps a way of getting the message across to production…

Even if all is not yet perfect in the realization of‘Astrid and Raphaëlle, Sara Mortensen readily acknowledges that the series has opened many doors for her and also knows how to justify her success. “Because it deals with universal subjects. To speak of love through these two heroines is to ask the same questions but differently”confides the one who does not belong at all to the same family as the actor Viggo Mortensen.

If Sara Mortensen is fully fulfilled in her role of Astrid, it is ultimately the most important.

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