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The American billionaire was a guest of the 8 p.m. newspaper on France 2 on Friday. He responded to conspirators who accuse him of fabricating the global Covid-19 pandemic.
Conspiracy theorists around the world accuse Bill Gates of fabricating the Covid-19 outbreak. “It’s very strange, I didn’t expect it. I’ve spent billions on vaccines to save millions of lives. Now they’ve completely turned it around saying I make billions by killing people . It discourages people who might take the vaccine and it’s our best tool to prevent deaths.” explains the American multi-billionaire, Friday, May 6, on the set of “20 hours” of France 2.
What should you say to people who doubt the Covid-19 vaccine? “If you look at those who die, it’s the people who are not vaccinated. It’s a miracle that has prevented millions of deaths”, replies Bill Gates. The American businessman also believes that the innovation of the private companies behind the vaccines has been a benefit for all.