“I should have stopped smoking …”: Jean-Pierre Pernaut without filter on his lung cancer

He smoked for fifty years and there was no question for the former presenter of the 1 p.m. television news on TF1 to stop smoking … until he was forced to, health obliges. “For years I have been told ‘quit smoking, quit smoking’. I smoked a lot. And then, I was discovered a little disease that happens to people who smoke. I found myself a little lung cancer. This is the first time that I talk about it“, says Jean-Pierre Pernaut in the documentary Life after, broadcast on C8 Thursday, December 9, 2021 and that our colleagues from Parisian have already viewed.

His biggest regret is certainly not to have listened to these precious advice on quitting smoking. “For years and years I have been told to quit smoking. I didn’t believe it. I should have stopped …“, he confides in his video on Twitter. But the husband of Nathalie Marquay, who is of unfailing support, ended up being forced to stop everything. It was the condition before the operation, quit smoking. “The day I quit I didn’t notice, he says on C8. I haven’t smoked a cigarette since July 5th. I did not put a patch. I don’t miss tobacco. I should have stopped longer ago. It is a question of will. I was afraid of breathing badly, of coughing, of gaining weight. Well, I gained three kilos in three months. I promise I’ll go to the gym.

Last September, Lou Pernaut, the daughter of the star of the small screen, announced great news. A smoker since she was 14, the young woman of just 18 had quit smoking, “after four years of addiction“. Some hoped then that she would give ideas to her famous father. In reality, in the greatest secrecy, Jean-Pierre Pernaut had already stopped …

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