“I share my emotions and I do my best so that these emotions are understood”

Elie Semoun is a comedian, actor, screenwriter, director, singer and writer. This is his role in the series Can’t wait for Monday on TF1 in 1988, which shone the spotlight on him. But what earned him the adoption of the public is first of all his duet with Dieudonné and a solo career with one man shows made up of characters who have become cults like Kevina, Cyprien and Micheline. We obviously think of the series Ducobu in which he plays the role of Professor Latouche. The last one he made: Ducobu President! will be released this Wednesday, November 16, 2022, on DVD and Blu-Ray. Ducobu President! or how to live a student election campaign. He is also currently on tour with his show: Elie Semoun and his monsters and he has just published a novel: Count to you published by Robert Laffont. A highly emotional novel that speaks of the couple, of the bond between two people.

franceinfo: Ducobuit’s really a series of films that are very close to your heart, especially since you are a director…

Elie Semoun: You’re right to say and that makes me happy that it’s played well because for me, it’s super important. A film in which there are bad actors for me brings me back to reality and I hate that. So when I chose my children, those who played for me in the film, I was very careful that they spoke correctly.

Which student were you?

I am the son of a French teacher, so my mother’s colleagues liked me. If in addition your mother is a French teacher, then we spare you a bit of everything. I remember my French teacher who is called Danielle Poésy and who was like my surrogate mother from National Education.

You grew up very quickly, especially when your mother died, when you were 11…

No, actually, I didn’t grow up fast at all. I got stuck at 11, actually.

You are the author of collections Poemoir and Jokesman, plays The disjointed piece and The identity document or a new novel Count up to you. VYou have a writing that is very sensitive, you open up a lot…

We can’t pretend. If you’re writing a novel about a breakup and it sounds like what you’ve been through. You cannot cheat.

What does this book represent?

I want this to be the bedside book for all lovers. There is a book called You and me, by Paul Géraldy, who tells a little about what I’m telling, that is to say a couple, a man and a woman who meet and then at the end, separate, in the form of poems. And I would love to have renewed the genre with this book.

I have the impression that the scene has always attracted you. Since you were little too. It took you a long time to tell yourself that you were going to do this?

Absolutely not. And it is linked to seduction. I remember, I had written sketches when I was in high school and I wanted to seduce a girl.

It worked ?

Yes. Because I was center stage and people were finally watching me.

I’m average handsome so I only have my art to please.

Elie Semoun

at franceinfo

Hard worker, writer, storyteller… How do you define yourself?

Like a guy who shares his emotions and does his best to make sure those emotions are understood. That is to say, when I’m on stage, I absolutely want people to be able to understand what I’m saying and to be able to share what I’m saying. I don’t want it to be just for my own pleasure.

Every time you’ve done something humorous, I’m thinking of Muriel Robin, Franck Dubosc, Dieudonné too, you needed someone else. As if you needed to protect yourself.

I don’t really trust myself. I need to be loved and to love, friendly, lovingly.

I like sharing. Writing together is great. The scene for two, it’s great. I don’t like being alone, that’s for sure.

Elie Semoun

at franceinfo

The stage is the Holy Grail then?

Ah yes, that’s where I was born. This is where… I was going to say where I’m going to die! : “He had announced his death on stage on franceinfo and well, it’s done. The comedian has left us!

We feel that there is this desire all the time to do even more, to contribute even more. What will you run after?

It’s very banal, but I don’t like loneliness. I know life is short. I need to fill this void that I feel, which surrounds me and which worries me. When you’re an artist, those who listen to me know that the period of creation is intellectually enjoyable. When I wrote this book, when I wrote Ducobuwhen I wrote my show, I felt like I was living 100%.

Finally, are you happy?

As an artist, yes. Then the rest, we’ll see.

Elie Semoun plays the last performances of his show: November 20 in Vias, December 1 in Saint-Etienne, December 7 in Paris.

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