Arié Alimi, lawyer and member of the League for Human Rights, expressed doubts on franceinfo on Wednesday “about the advisability of such a law”, after the announcement of a government reflection on an “anti- thugs”.
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While the government says it is considering an “anti-thug” law after the May Day violence, “I share Eric Dupond-Moretti’s doubts”, reacts on Wednesday May 3 on franceinfo the lawyer Arié Alimi, also a member of the League of Human Rights.
Invited on Wednesday on franceinfo, the Minister of Justice remained cautious about the relaunch of such a law: “I do not know if it is appropriate to act in emotion, we must act in reflection”, said Eric Dupond-Moretti in particular. “I hear the speech of my former colleague and I hear for once the words of a lawyer”insists Arie Alimi, “namely doubts about the advisability of such a law”.
“Not the right answer”
“I doubt that we can react systematically to a news item or to a moment of emotion with an ever more repressive legislative inflation”explains Arie Alimi. “That’s not the right answer, believes the lawyer, because there is already a particularly voluminous penal code, that the police no longer know which offense to choose when they have to arrest people in the demonstrations”.
“By dint of outbidding in security matters (…) we are eroding democracy. So I share Eric Dupond-Moretti’s doubts.”
Arié Alimi, lawyer at the Human Rights Leagueat franceinfo
On the political reactions after these demonstrations, “I would have liked a public speech, that of Elisabeth Borne, that of Eric Dupond-Moretti on the violence that affects the demonstrators“, says Arié Alimi. The only answer, according to the lawyer “it is a de-escalation that must come from politics in the context of this pension reform”.