The rebellious MP Eric Coquerel says he is “not reassured” after Michel Barnier’s first speech on Sunday.
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“I sense inclinations to try to attract the extreme right and to have, at least, the neutrality of the extreme right in the coming months”believes the rebellious deputy Eric Coquerel, on franceinfo, Sunday September 22, after the interview with Michel Barnier on the 8 p.m. news on France 2. The new Prime Minister affirmed that he wanted “do practical things to control and limit immigration which often becomes unbearable” and not to consider the removal of state medical aid as “taboo”.
“The policy that was defeated will be maintained from an economic and social point of view, with, in addition, on the question of immigration, something to try to attract the sympathies of the National Rally”underlines the president of the Finance Committee of the National Assembly. He explains that he “wait to see if this government keeps Mr. Barnier’s timid promises” on the taxation of the largest fortunes. Indeed, the Prime Minister assured, on France 2, that “the richest” had to “take part in the solidarity effort”.
“I think we’re going to have the same policy that Mr. Macron had for seven years”says Eric Coquerel. Proof of this is, according to the Seine-Saint-Denis MP, “The two tenants of Bercy this evening are pure Macronists.” For him, “improve pension reform” does not mean that it will be repealed, or even frozen. “I am not reassured”he emphasizes.
The rebellious elected official claims that “All this is a denial of democracy” and recalls that the Prime Minister is under threat of censure from the left.