“I saw the delirium”, Inès Reg reveals the behavior of Camille Combal in “Dancing with the Stars” after her clash with Natasha St-Pier

The controversy between Natasha St-Pier and Inès Reg is only growing. At issue: supposedly inappropriate behavior on the part of the Canadian singer, which would have knocked the comedian off his hinges on January 31. The latter would then have made death threats towards the singer of the title “You will find”, who would not have hesitated to file a complaint with the judicial authorities. Faced with this supposed aggressiveness, criticism of Ines Reg then came from all sides: viewers and Internet users took offense at such an attitude, accusing her of having changed following her weight loss and her divorce. . However, contrary to what public opinion has long thought, Ines Reg would not be at the origin of this backlash… This weekend, PurePeople revealed that the Canadian had started the hostilities first, by insulting the 31-year-old young woman. No wonder the comedian sees this media relentlessness as an injustice and that she wants to reestablish her truth at all costs.

Also see: “’I disgust myself because I’m addicted’: Inès Reg reveals behind the scenes!”

Ines Reg in tears in her Instagram story

Thus, on her Instagram story published this Sunday, March 24 at the end of the day, Ines Reg dots the I’s and crosses the T’s. If her words are initially intended to reestablish the truth concerning this altercation, they end up transforming in true intimate confessions. We can thus see a young woman very affected by the words that certain Internet users say about her. With bright eyes and a trembling voice, she addresses those who attack her: “Stop telling me that I’ve changed since I lost weight, stop referring to my weight, I’m going to gain weight again, it’s been my life forever, I’m yo-yoing and it’s no big deal.” They accuse him, among other things, of having changed following his weight loss.

Her comrades are cold towards her, Camille Combal wonders

In addition to this harassment suffered from certain viewers and Internet users, Ines Reg also mentions hostile behavior from her comrades following the discovery of this story: “The following week is the week I dance Bollywood, and at that point, I feel like everything has changed. People no longer smile at me, no one talks to me anymore. And I tell myself that the story has been told.” She then explains that at the end of her performance, no one stood up to applaud her, except Black M and Jordan. “I cried during the prime. It was horrible, college bullying, everyone turned their back on you even though you didn’t do anything.” She also evokes the behavior of Camille Combal, taken aback by this whole story: “I even meet Camille Combal on the stairs who asks me ‘Is something happening there or not Inès? Because I don’t know, I saw the delirium where no one gets up.” Fortunately, tensions between the two artists seem to have calmed down. But are these reconciliations orchestrated to serve the needs of the show? Fact or fiction?


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