“I said it was coke and it was whisky”, a star of “La Boum” fell into alcohol and “smokes like a firefighter”!

“The Irony of Fate”, “The Brigade”, “Les Valseuses”, “The Man Who Loved Women”, “A Bad Son”… If today, Brigitte Fossey is better known for having interpreted the mother of Sophie Marceau in “La Boom” (1980), with her many roles in several essential films of the 70s and 80s, the 76-year-old woman is undoubtedly one of the star actresses of her generation. The one who was revealed at the age of only five years in the film “Jeux Interdits” (1952) was also the guest of the show “Chez Jordan” (C8) this Friday, February 3, 2023. The opportunity to return on his immense career, but also to discuss his personal life.

And as is the tradition on the set of Jordan de Luxe, his guest of the day was particularly transparent, mentioning in particular his consumption of alcohol and cigarettes.

“I was lying to my husband”

“I smoked like a firefighter since the age of 15 because I thought it was good to look like Simone de Beauvoir, I stopped two years ago”said Brigitte Fossey before discussing her alcohol consumption.

“I love getting drunk once a month, it’s wonderful because it’s rare… And I’m leaving with two or three drinks already!” », she let go. The actress also made a curious revelation to Jordan de Luxe. Indeed, the septuagenarian has made it known that during the crisis covid, she had taken the habit of lying to her husband about his consumption of alcohol.

“When there was the Covid, I lied to my husband”, she let go. And to add : “I said it was coke and it’s whiskey… But it was only once a day”, revealed the legendary actress. Big confessions that embarrassed Jordan de Luxe who immediately reminded us that alcohol should be consumed in moderation…

See also: Nicolas Waldorf slams the door of the show “Incroyables Transformations”!


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