“I said I wanted to die”: Hilona Gos positive for Covid-19, her symptoms very violent

The end of the year celebrations will not be happy for Hilona gos. Monday, December 20, 2021, The candidate of Marseillais VS The Rest of the World (W9) explained that she had just tested positive for Covid-19. And, although she is vaccinated, her symptoms are severe.

It is a very tired and suffering Hilona that Internet users were able to find on Snapchat last night. Julien Bert’s former fiancee clarified that she was not doing well because of the coronavirus. In order to protect those around her, she confined herself alone in an Airbnb for a period of ten days or more depending on her state of health. She will therefore spend Christmas and New Year alone, enough to undermine her. The only thing that cheers her up is that her ex has allowed one of their dogs to join her.

First day, I had 40.2 (or 42?) fever. Unbearable, I thought my brain was going to give up, it was so painful. I was screaming, I was in a daze. I said I wanted to die. In addition, unbearable aches. I felt like my body was being torn up and I still have this impression elsewhere. It’s just that the fever has gone back down, so I’m taking the pain a bit more. The throat is fine, I have the taste and smell. Every move I’m out of breath, I feel like I can’t get over it“, then explained Hilona Gos to her subscribers on Snapchat. And to specify that she could not move from her bed and that she had vomited.

There is no doubt that the young woman of 26 years will be able to count on the support of her relatives in this difficult period, as well as that of her subscribers who are present in the best, as the worst moments. She promised to give them news if her condition permitted.

It is therefore a difficult year to end for Hilona. A year that was not easy since it was marked by his many breaks with Julien Bert. “We decided by mutual agreement to separate definitively this time (…). There will be no turning back. We thought about it really well, weighed the pros and cons and … It’s too much destruction, too much suffering, we hurt ourselves too much“, she explained last October.

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