“I remain standing, it does not make me move an iota”, reacts the deputy LREM Pascal Bois after the fire in his garage

These degradations are the do “irreducible antivax” according to the deputy, a few days before the start of the examination of the new health bill in the national assembly.

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“There is a moment of astonishment but I remain standing, it does not move me an iota”, LREM deputy for Oise Pascal Bois told France Inter, after the fire in his garage, on the night of Tuesday December 28 to Wednesday December 29. Inscriptions hostile to the vaccine pass were also found on a wall in his home.

“I want to be in the exchange, in the contradiction, but there are ways for that”, he explains. “There is a permanent deputy, if we do not agree, we can go see his deputy.” According to him, these degradations are the fact “irreducible antivax, which anticipates what will be the vaccine pass”, while the bill will be under discussion in the Assembly next week.

The deputy, who has already received death threats after the vote on the health pass, specifies that “these acts are counterproductive, they forget that if we are there, it is because there is a majority which elected us for that.”

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