“I regret that there were not more measures that were implemented” for the hospital, reacts Fabien Roussel

The new government announcements are “measures which call on the French to continue barrier gestures and to be vaccinated” only, said Fabien Roussel.

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“I regret that there have not been more measures that are implemented” for the hospital, reacted Monday, December 6 on franceinfo Fabien Roussel, national secretary of the French Communist Party (PCF) and presidential candidate, after the announcement of new measures by Jean Castex and Olivier Véran to fight against the Covid-19 . The Prime Minister notably announced the strengthening of the sanitary protocol in schools, the closure of nightclubs for a month, and called for “lift the foot” in social interactions.

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“I regret that the hospital is cracking, lamented Fabien Roussel, we have caregivers who are exhausted and need support. There are still beds that are being cut, emergency services that are being cut. We need a big support plan for our caregivers who have been on the front line for almost two years. “ The announcements for this Monday evening are “measures which call on the French to continue the barrier gestures and to be vaccinated” only, estimated Fabien Roussel.

The government calls for the responsibility of the French and avoids overly restrictive measures. “We must have a benevolent message to those who choose to be vaccinated, continued the PCF presidential candidate. It is a personal choice to protect oneself but also a collective choice which makes it possible to prevent the virus from being transmitted and to avoid the saturation of hospitals. “

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