“I regret”, Michaël Youn admits to still being haunted by this sequence of “11 commandments”

Almost 20 years later, Michael Youn

feels regret. The 49-year-old actor does not regret for a single second having had the idea of 11 commandments

. However, one sketch from the film worries him a lot today, particularly the one where he, Vincent Desagnat and the rest of the gang rented a house to transform the owner’s living room into a swimming pool.

“Literally every week I have people coming up to me on the street asking if what we did to this man was really real.”said Michael Youn during his visit to Konbini.

Indeed, released on February 11, 2004, the 11 commandments remained anchored in the minds of the comedian’s fans, in particular this sequence which seems impossible to achieve for many. However, the 49-year-old actor did indeed execute it and did rather well. According to him, the owner would not have “broke the face” after discovering his house flooded, and the reason is almost obvious.

Also see: Jenifer interrupts her filming for TF1 with Michael Youn to make the most beautiful declaration: he has become her “golden partner”!

Michael Youn wouldn’t have wanted the same thing to happen to him

“Well, he didn’t beat us up because our production was very generous and compensated all the damages, or even a little more”, he revealed. Even though he laughed a lot at the time, Michael Youn confess “a little regret” this sketch: “It’s very visual, very funny, we jump out of the window, we run naked in the street… I imagine the face he made when he got home. Of course, we had cleaned, tidyed up, repaired, but it wasn’t enough. However, I regret it a little because I don’t like to cause people pain, so it’s one of the things I regret.”.

The comedian specifies that he is not presenting “his excuses” For “play the political correctness card”. No, he does “because years later, that [le] always worries.” “I would rather make fun of myself than of others. If this had happened at home, it would have hurt me so much…”he finally admitted.


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