“I regret everything I did”, declares the accused a few hours before the verdict

After three weeks of debate, the verdict is expected Tuesday, December 19 in the trial of Monique Olivier. The ex-wife of rapist and serial killer Michel Fourniret is on trial for complicity in the kidnappings and murders of Marie-Angèle Domèce, Joanna Parrish and Estelle Mouzin. “I confirm what I said and I regret everything I did, declared the accused on the last day of the trial. I ask for forgiveness from the victims, from the families of the victims, knowing that everything I did is unforgivable.” On Monday, the public prosecutor had requested against Monique Olivier life imprisonment, with a security period of 22 years, “in view of the exceptional seriousness of the acts committed, the necessary protection of society”. Follow our live stream.

Decades-old crimes. At 75, Monique Olivier appears alone before the Hauts-de-Seine Assize Court, in Nanterre, to answer for her role in these three crimes 35, 33 and 20 years old. Her ex-husband, who was also indicted in these cases, died in custody in 2021.

The civil parties “did not have all the answers”. Eric Mouzin, father of Estelle, admitted to the press on Monday morning that the civil parties had not “didn’t have all the answers.” “But we knew these answers were hard to get”he added.

Contradictions about the personality of the accused. Contrary to the image of victim presented by Monique Olivier throughout her trial, the prosecution recalled the choices made by the ex-wife of Michel Fourniret. “When there is an action, she is the one who follows and obeys Michel Fourniret with full knowledge of the facts, insisted Stéphanie Pottier, one of the general lawyers. She has the ability to flee, not to be an active accomplice, to save her victims and denounce him; but she doesn’t make those choices.”

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