“I received death threats”

And Alain-Fabien Delon

recently declared war on their sister
whom they accuse of having concealed worrying results concerning their father’s health, Alain Delon. Their fight: to enforce the last wishes of the sacred monster of cinema. Since the beginning of January, the clan has settled its accounts through the media. A situation which does not seem to please the actor’s daughter who cannot stand “see your private life, your family life, displayed” in plain sight.

“The world today is really violent and it was done in such a violent way”she confided to Mouloud Achour

on the set of Click this Tuesday, January 23, 2024. Devastated, the wife of Julien Dereims says to herself “struck” And “traumatized” by the situation. “There is no other word for what I suffered, I took violence to the head, I received death threats on the networks with everything that is happening. We know where I live, we know what I do. We assume what I do, we assume where I live. It’s assumed how I live”, deplores the actress who can still count on the support of her admirers.

Also see: Anouchka, Alain Delon’s only daughter, responds to Hiromi Rollin following her last interview: “I will not let anyone taint the honor…

“There is no longer any connection”

Far from accepting the way in which her brothers chose to resolve this family matter, Anouchka Delon condemns the display of their family concerns and believes that “vsThese are private subjects that concern 90% of people, known or not. Everyone has family problems.” “My father instilled in me a very fair value of keeping things private. To see it laid out like that, I don’t understandadds the actress who claims to have been singled out on numerous occasions. Everything that is being said about me is nothing new. These are things that have been there for years… I have the impression of carrying around guilt, of being the favorite for 33 years. These are things that come up all the time except that here it comes out in a disproportionate and false way.”

As for her brothers, Anouchka Delon claims to no longer be in contact with them. We made phone calls beforehand which only concerned our father’s health. We didn’t talk much because we didn’t agree on anything. Since then, it is certain thatthere is no longer any connection“. The Delon clan is definitively dissolved.


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