“I pushed her back into the hallway screaming with a raised fist…”, After the accusations of Loana’s ex-agent, Eryl Prayer FINALLY broke the silence

It’s war between Sylvie Ortega and Eryl Prayer! For several months, the two stars do not hesitate to tackle each other about Loana. But last September, Cyril Hanouna wanted to reconcile them on the set of “Touche pas à mon poste”. Unfortunately, nothing went as planned. Out of sight behind the scenes, Eryl Prayer and Sylvie Ortega argued violently. For his part, the ex-agent of Loana said that the latter would have come to blows. “I was brutally assaulted in the hallway by the cracked Eryl ”, she explained on her social networks. In addition, this Thursday, November 18, the model unveiled terrible evidence incriminating Eryl Prayer. Via his story, his community was able to discover his bruises on the body after their argument as well as a medical certificate entitling him to six days of ITT.

The day after his post, Eryl Prayer wanted to exclusively deliver his truth to us. According to him, the accusations of the influencer are totally false. “To respond to Miss Sylvie Ortega’s accusations, I want to restore the truth and that the media stop relaying her lies!”, got carried away by Loana’s acolyte. “First of all she said that I was blacklisted by the production of TPMP… Which is a lie since I was invited not very long ago to participate in one of their shows! ”.

According to him, Loana was also present at the time of their altercation. “I never had any violent blows towards her and Loana is witness to it! I was in the dressing room with Loana. From there, a person knocked on the door and began to enter the lodge. When I saw that it was Sylvie Ortega I got up from the sofa and pushed her back into the hallway screaming with a raised fist ”, defended Eryl Prayer. “In no case did I hit her”.

A third person would even try to separate them. “In the hallway a person came to intervene saying to me! ‘Eryl don’t fool around, there are cameras everywhere. You’re going to have problems’! ”, conceded Eryl Prayer. “From there I went back to the lodge and someone from security came to have an explanation! As Loana said, Miss Sylvie Ortega had nothing to do in our dressing room, especially after what happened on the set! The security guard proved us right! ”.

Stung, the star does not intend to stop there. “I accuse Miss Sylvie Ortega of divulging false information and extrapolating this story to make people talk about it! If she continues I will not hesitate to file a complaint for false testimony! Thank you to public.fr for allowing me to restore the truth! ”, thus concluded Eryl Prayer!

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