“I never imagined being killed for less than 1000 euros” proclaims the miracle of the forest of Bouconne

Raphaël Goiset, 35, is tried before the Assize Court of Haute-Garonne for attempted murder. The verdict is expected Wednesday evening. This former member of the National Front in the Jura, ex-yellow vest in Toulouse, and cocaine dealer faces 30 years of criminal imprisonment. On September 27, 2019, he shot a revolver several times at a man, now 36, in the middle of the night in the forest of Bouconne. Wounded by at least three bullets, William Severin had miraculously escaped, found in extremis by a motorist who had alerted the emergency services. The accused and the victim were both heavy users of cocaine and had met six months previously. Rapahaëll Goiset demanded 960 euros from the victim, a debt he would have contracted to buy his drugs.

The victim is waiting for this trial to “build a new page in his life”

The floor was given to the victim, Tuesday, ex-policeman who had notably intervened around the Bataclan on the evening of November 13 in Paris. Having become a heavy user of cocaine, he had left the profession. The 36-year-old man is now unemployed, disabled in one arm, he is struggling to bounce back. He recounted his links with the accused, their meeting, and the night of horror he experienced. He does not accept the defendant’s apology.

A tall fellow steps forward at the helm who has come a long way and glad to be alive, to have been able to see his 5-year-old daughter again, he who has scars on his back, stomach, one of his arms no longer has any sensitivity. For 3 years, he has been waiting for this trial for “build a new page in your life“. the man only very occasionally uses cocaine, he is followed by addictologists and a psychiatrist. The accused was at the time of the facts one of his dealers, they had sympathized at a party, six months before the facts, but quickly Raphaël Goiset had asked him to reimburse him a little more than 900 euros. Their telephone exchanges had become lively, around this debt, which the victim did not consider he had to pay. On the night of September 27, 2019, Raphaël Goiset asks the victim to accompany him to the Bouconne forest.

I was not suspicious, he asked me to accompany him, remaining evasive on the subject of the race. I remember my amazement when I heard the sound of gunshots, the violent pain, I thought I was dying, I dragged myself into a thicket, then I crawled like an animal to the road, where a motorist ended up to find me. It’s an act of brutality, cowardice, I fell into a real ambush.

The accused refutes premeditation

Raphaël Goiset was a salesman, he lived with his mother near Toulouse and sold cocaine to customers. His puny appearance contrasts with the victim’s colossal physique, yet when asked by the President of the Assize Court, “did you feel threatened when you asked him for the money he owes you?” The defendant responds “no, I thought he was going to pay me, I was obsessed with repaying my parents who had given me a loan“. What did he have in mind the night of the events, armed with his Magnum 357, he who as a hunter only handled long guns? “get my money back” he answers. _C_ette weapon he often had it on him because he says he felt insecure in Toulouse, due to his investment in the movement of yellow vests. Murder weapon that he then threw into the Garonne, which has not been found.

I was angry, I had taken cocaine, I wanted to scare him, in a state of mind of revenge, but I had no intention of killing him, I would have preferred not to touch.

He fired at least five times, 300 meters from the victim. The president of the court recalls that cocaine is now considered an aggravating circumstance of a crime and that it incurs life imprisonment and no longer 30 years. The law dates from a few weeks ago and does not apply to these facts, which date back to 2019.

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