“I never had my EELV card, but I have very strong convictions about climate change”, assures Amélie de Montchalin

The new Minister for Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion highlights her youth, her status as a mother and her “efficiency” to justify her appointment.

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“I never got my EELV card, but I have very strong convictions about climate change and biodiversity”assures Tuesday, May 24 on France Inter Amélie de Montchalin, the new Minister of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion.

>> Environment: the major challenges facing the government of Elisabeth Borne

“I am 36 years old, and since I was a young adult, the climate is obviously in all the debates”Amelie de Montchalin. “I’m also the mother of three young children and I know that this may be the most difficult fight because some of the action that we are doing (…) is not for today, they are for future generations”.

The new minister claims to be “a woman of efficiency”. Regarding Emmanuel Macron and Élisabeth Borne’s desire to make ecology a priority for the new government, Amélie de Montchalin assures us that the Head of State and the Prime Minister do not want to send “a political signal to an electorate, (…) and not to do political ecology”. They want, on the contrary, she assures, “lead an ecological policy that provides French people with a better life everywhere thanks to ecology”.

Asked about more concrete issues such as offshore wind power, the new Minister for Ecological Transition answered on the possibility or not of passing an exceptional law to install more wind turbines in France. No, replies Amélie de Montchalin, “we are going to identify areas” protected and unprotected upstream, for “go fast”but doing “compromises”she concludes.

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