“I need to speak my truth!”

He needs to reestablish his truth ! Last Wednesday, October 4, in the middle of a press conference on the new season of the star Academyproducers Mathieu Vergne and Jean-Louis Blot made it official the departures of Yanis Marshall and Laure Balon, affirming that the latter two had new professional issues that were incompatible with the agenda of the new season which will be launched on November 4 on TF1. Claims that Yanis Marshall chose to contest this Monday, October 9, 2023 in a vitriolic interview given to ParisianAnd in which he reveals “his truth” by denouncing the inaccuracies of the productionof the channel, and the dangers he faced during his season spent at the Château de Dammarie-les-Lys!

“The production and the channel took note of this at the end of February. It is not a decision on my part. For communication, I was asked to pretend to have personal projects, under the pretext that the public would not understand that we ousts me. But, today, I need to speak my truth. Many have advised me not to do it, but it’s my way of getting better and moving forward. explained the choreographer, who will be replaced next month by Malika Benjelloun. According to him, last year’s Star Academy season was a fiasco, and almost turned into drama on several occasions. Prey to violent anxiety attacks, the young choreographer took refuge in alcohol on several occasionsin order to best ensure the shows of the program.

Poorly managed and underestimated anxiety attacks

“During the third prime time, I broke down. For once, I didn’t have rehearsals scheduled on Saturday, so I organized a dinner and celebrated… A little too much, to be honest. The next day I was totally hungover and everyone was a little worried. I put on Dior glasses and went on set. And, in the end, I did my best prime. I was alive, spontaneous, I got on the desk… I did the job, even if I was suffering inside.” confided the one who confided that the situation deteriorated after the ceremony of NRJ Music Awardsin which he was summoned by TF1 to participate, at the last minute:I was at the end of my life. I had a case of alopecia areata, I wanted to kill everyone… I had a horrible week. They warn me two days before that I have to go, I discover on the spot that I am among the first” he confides.

“If I hadn’t said anything, I would still be at Star Academy”

The rest is less rosy for Yanis Marshall: “When I got off stage, I downed a bottle of champagne and collapsed in tears. I had the biggest anxiety attack of my life. The pressure, the rhythm, the crowd, the social networks… I broke down.” The young man calls for help from a TF1 executive in whom he trusts, but he accuses the latter of having betrayed him by revealing everything to Mathieu Vergne and Jean-Louis Blot: “They began to make me understand that they knew that things had gone badly in Cannes… and above all, that this was now known at TF1.” And to add: “I’m not going to apologize for having anxiety attacks either (…) I regret having confided in the wrong person. If I had experienced the same thing and had said nothing , I would still be there star Academy Today” he condemns.

A forced detoxification treatment that he refused… and which signed his death warrant

Relations between Yanis Marshall and TF1 are deteriorating, to the point that production is the young man to resort to detoxification, in order to reassure the broadcaster. An injunction that Yanis Marshall contests, thus putting an end to their collaboration: “We all had meetings with production. They asked others how they felt about last season. But I was told, Have you done detoxification? They wanted to prove to TF1 that it was fine. But, I didn’t need it… and I was able to last the three months. I had refused projects to be ready for the show. But during a second meeting, we told me: It’s not going to do it, TF1 has made its decision. They told me, you know it, you’re not stable, and that they couldn’t take the risk of taking me back. I was surprised they didn’t take me back, because even though I didn’t go to rehab, I had started working on myself. Cure is not the automatic response to this kind of demon. I was on my way back up, I was getting better and I hit myself in the face. While I had never imagined this new season without me” he condemns… Atmosphere.

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