“I need to breathe”, Roger Monnier explains the reasons for his resignation

Change at Stade Lavallois. While the professional team is on vacation, the side of the association is moving: Roger Monnier has therefore resigned from the presidency of the association, as France Bleu Mayenne explained on Wednesday. The structure, different from the SASP, is the one that manages the teams from U6 to U19. In June 2021, there had been some tension between Roger Monnier and the president of Stade Lavallois Laurent Lairy about the management of the U19 team. But Roger Monnier assures him, if he resigns it is because he is tired. “The function of president is very time-consuming, that is to say that you generally spend 25 to 30 hours a week at the club, with the additional amount of phone calls behind… I need to breathe“explains Roger Monnier.


The man is proud of the work accomplished, especially over the season that has just ended. “Our U19s remain in the national championship. Our U18s who finish in the first places, our U16s also climb a floor and will access the national U17 championship. And when you know the importance of the U-17 championship in training, that’s very good. The U14s finished in the top places as well. Our U13 finish champions and go this weekend to Capbreton for the final stages“says the former president of the association. The quality of the federal educational plan has also been highlighted by the French Football Federation. Next year a female U13 team will be created at the Lavallois Stadium.

“A character who has given a lot”

President Laurent Lairy will work at least until October with Vice-President Hubert Bergue. The latter is expected to take over the reins of the Stade Lavallois association. A general meeting will take place in October. “I pay tribute to Roger Monier because he is a character who has given a lot for Stade Lavallois, with energy and a lot of investment. He counts in the history of Stade Lavallois“says Laurent Lairy. If the association must also take advantage of the rise of the professional team in Ligue 2, the requirements around the associative structure will go up a notch. “_You have to be ready to take up challenges in the world of football where there are more and more requirements and more and more constraints._. There, we are going up to Ligue 2 so I am once again obliged to review the budgets and therefore all that is a lot of hours too that will be necessary to structure“continues the president of Stade Lavallois.

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