Guillaume Douet osteopath knows well that these expressions are abuses of language but he also knows that caregivers, therapists often participate in these popular beliefs which give us the impression of understanding something about complex pain.
Move a vertebra? If we keep in mind the construction of our body with the spinal column which would be the mast on which many muscles are anchored, and if we consider that the spinal cord is the information highway between the brain/control tower and the rest of the body… So we measure the enormity of this supposed displacement of the vertebra, which when it occurs is synonymous with quadriplegia.
A displaced nerve?
But where do you want it to go the nerve stuck between two sheets themselves placed between muscles?
But then the osteopath does not “put back in place” our bones or our muscles?
But no ! Our job is to restore movement to an area that is frozen in pain.
We all know that: when it hurts a lot here, we try to move that part of our body as little as possible. And it is a mistake!
Gently, with benevolence, you have to regain control of this place and that requires a gradual return to movement.